
Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday's Bite

Just when I am all relaxed and happy it happens. Monday comes to bite ya! This was that morning. I got up later than I planned after having not slept really well and jump in the shower! A hot shower later, I am up checking the weather to make sure that I wear temperature appropriate clothes and dress the kids to not be cold and Dan is playing the Wii still. He has a game that is a challenge and spent most of the night on it. So I am kinda half rushing half not yet. Go to dry my hair and it's not cooperating...give up completely, just hope it dries okay. Make the kiddos lunches, get them dressed, give last minute instructions, go to get my keys...they are not where I thought they were...and I can't find them. Dan just isn't a help when I misplace my keys, and it really does make me mad at times especially when I am rushing around worried I am going to be late. He gives me his spare keys(no house key) I rush out to the car only to realize I forgot my sweater...pounding on the door later to get in to grab my sweater! Not the best mindset to be in when leaving for work.

A long day today, out of sorts a lot, not as together as I would like to be! I did find my keys when I got home. Janea had left them on the couch and they had slipped to the side of a cushion, they are ready for tomorrow morning, in the key holder and life will be better. Tomorrow is another day and I for one am happy to shut the door on August and welcome in September! So here's to a September and the start of Fall!

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