
Sunday, February 6, 2011


My emotions have been running crazy over the last few days.

Emotions are a hard thing to understand. It's amazing to me to see how little things can make you an emotional basket case.

Case in point...I've been feeling stressed and overwhelmed with the reality that in 11 weeks or less we will have a baby in this house. I'll be a SAHM of 3 kids, and life will be totally different. I'm also really unprepared to have this baby in the house...we are nowhere ready and I is this going to happen. So I have been stressing. Makes one tired to stress and yet I have been stressing about it. Mostly I've been stressing about where the baby will sleep and how we will be able to bring him home.

Last night we went out and got one thing that will help to alleviate my stress. We now have a pack and play complete with bassinet, changing station and storage area. This is a load off because now the baby has someplace to sleep when he comes home. I also have found a way to get a good deal on a carseat so that is a relief as well, we will be able to bring him home.

Another thing wreaking havoc on my emotions is how I feel physically. Today I was EXTREMELY TIRED! I went to bed normal time and as usual had some trouble falling asleep and then got up to use the restroom more times than I would have liked. When I was really sleeping well around maybe 1;00am I think Dan had a nightmare or something because he ended up pushing me almost off the bed waking me up...and then I couldn't fall back asleep because I was hungry. I got up and got something to eat but I made a not smart choice and ended up with heartburn and so I couldn't fall asleep until 5:30 andthen I woke up at 7 when the kiddos got up...I had moved to the couch. SO I was tired, and very weepy today. Dan was gracious and gave me space to take a nap and it was so good...and I think I will try and go to bed early tonight so that I can rest.

I'm hoping for a less emotional week. It's hard with all these extra hormones from being pregnant but I have to make it through. Some good countdowns...11 weeks until my due date and 5 weeks until I get to "retire" for awhile.

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