
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Busy Full Weekend

I can't believe the weekend is over! It's gone rather fast! We got some stuff done, started a few more projects and weeded through some more stuff. I need to get both my school stuff done and get the house back into shape for the upcoming school year. We need to start purchasing school clothes and supplies. So far the kids have gotten their new lunch boxes for the fall. I also need to start getting our morning routine moving more smoothly so that we are ready come August 18th. I can't believe that school is almost here.

On a side note if anyone knows how to cook Quinoa could you give me a few pointers since we are trying to figure it out.

Here's looking forward to a good week! The kiddos are going with the Grandparents to their church for VBS so I am hoping to getting a few more things done around the house this week as I will be kid free.

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