
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

We are in a cold snap right was 3 degrees when I left the house this morning.

It took at least 10 minutes for my car to warm up today and I was glad that I have a heater in my was so cold!

I had a bad case of Mama guilt as I instructed the kiddos on what to wear to the bus and what time to leave the house so they were not standing in the freezing cold too long this morning. I am thankful we live right across the street from the bus stop but oh it was so cold this morning.

I am so thankful that it will be warming up soon...and that at least at night we are nice and warm in our cozy home. There are cold parts but thankfully I don't have to be in those constantly, like closets, and the laundry room. The back door had ice on the inside window but I have another door that keeps that cold air from coming in the house. So thankful for the warmth of my home!

I am also thankful for my little furnace that gives off the heat and that it is working! Wouldn't want to revist this scenario.

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