
Saturday, September 27, 2008


My blogging friend Kati tagged me to post 6 random things about myself. Then I am supposed to tag 6 more people...however, I am not sure exactly how many people read my blog but if you are reading this I!

1. I like to eat carrots and mustard together...I think it makes carrots more palatable! Raw carrots, I don't touch cooked!

2. I can eat half an apple in one bite! It really hurts my jaw but I can do it!

3. I have a thing for initials and I was scared that I would marry a man whose last name began with the letters f, k, m, and i..then I would have the initials that spelt the words eli, elk, elm, and elf....scary thought!

4. My husband thinks I enjoy torturing him by leaving my shoes in bad place and subconsiously I think I secretly do!(Don't tell him)

5. I really enjoy reading both Star Wars and Star Trek books...I am a total sci-fi geek!

6. I really like names that start with the letter J...I had 30 teddy bears as a kid and each and everyone of them had a name that started with a J...several of my best friends have names that start with J...both of my children start with J...and I married a man whose last name starts with J...