
Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Hero versus a SuperHero

Ask my son who is favorite persons are and he will reply:
Janea(she's my best friend)
Now mind you any of those answers can come out at any time! He very rarely says mommy, grandma, or daddy but if you ask it usually is Janea! He loves his sister and I would say that she is his hero!

Ask Jaron who his favorite Superhero is and hands down he will say:


So he has Spiderman bedding, decals on his wall, toys, books, coffee cup, the whole shabang..

So we have been preparing at school for our American Hero Day and Soul Food Festival..this is where we celebrate Martin Luther King and other people who brought more awareness to the nation. We have "soul"food, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, grits, and cornbread..this is our way also of highlighting a part of America in a more racial way..we also have a big Multi-cultural festival, and we celebrate Cinco De Mayo, and other ethnic holidays. Well, Janea was talking about her hero and thought that maybe it would be "me"(mommy) or maybe some President. And it really got me thinking do I not stress that girls can have heros as much as I have with my son?

Well, just some musings on my part..

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