Tonight I noticed that I am getting old and I know this because...TV shows I watched as a kid are now being turned into movies. ex: Dukes of Hazzard, Transformers.
My children have no clue what a record player is or how it works.
I remember when my dad got his first computer and you had to use special disks to get programs to work and there was no internet!
I have had 5 different presidents in my lifetime.
My pictures from high school when I thought I was cool are really funny looking!
I totally get shows like
I love the 80's on VH1!
I am older than MTV!
However with age comes wisdom and I have learned some very important things:Always check if the toilet seat is down before sitting on it! Especially if you marry a guy who only had brothers!
Always wear a seatbelt! It never fails that when you don't wear one the kids need something! When it's on they are okay!
Being cute only works until your 25 for speeding tickets, then you really have to be creative to get out of them!
God is in control no matter how screwed up you are!
Life is tough, then you die, but the great thing Heaven is waiting!
Surrounding yourself with younger people while sometimes can make you feel old, you'll find yourself doing things that help you stay young
You are only as old as you feel!
When you lose touch with people you can reconnect!
So thank you for reading my ramblings and I'll post more later! BTW--my husband who is older than me is still one of the biggest kids at heart and is so wanting to see the Transformers movie and has bought way too many of the toys! Jaron is sooooo jealous!