
Thursday, November 29, 2007

We are SPARKS for Jesus....

Sparks to light the world....One of my favorite Sparky songs! I am the director for Sparks at our church and I have a good group of college students this year who are helping out with the Sparks program...and boy can I feel old sometimes! One of the leaders...I won't mention names.. was wearing those shoes with the wheels in it and rolling around the church on Wednesday like he was 12 not 20! They are good young people and I really do enjoy being their mentor. It's funny how they make me feel both old and young..

So I may have stuck my foot in my mouth by saying that I can chug a can of soda. I used to be able to but it has been about 6 years since I have attempted it! They want to see me do it, but I have made the stipulation that I will only do that if the can is warm! Cold soda makes me choke.

I had to do evals for all of them for their college credit and boy was it a challenge. I tried to be fair but not overly praiseworthy. one of the guys really didn't think that he needed improvement in any areas but once I explained why he was very cool with it. All in all I am so thankful for being blessed with great leaders.!

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