
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Feeling a little Guilty

This morning Dan walks in our room at 6:11 and wakes me up by asking what the number for the kids school is. I thought he meant the phone number and he meant the district number. I told him and he tells me the kids have a snow day today!

So I am home today with my kids, I lose a day of pay and I feel slightly guilty since I am leaving my coteacher on her own today. I am hoping that many kids stay home because it is still snowing today. However, I do feel it is important for me to be with my kids as they stay home today.

1 comment:

E and K said...

Oh Erin, don't feel guilty at all! I'm sure most mom's would have stayed home, and I'm sure your school wasn't surprised at your decision at all!
And wow, I am so beyond ready for this break! I'm like at my last straw!