
Thursday, November 13, 2008

When you really wish it's Friday

Today was a day that I wish had been a Friday so I wouldn't have to be at school tomorrow. It was a super long day!

We have a student whose mom is in the hospital today to have a baby and so he was worried about Mommy all day and needing lots of extra attention. That's hard on teachers, the kids, and the student. I was glad when he got picked up earlier and got to spend some extra time with a family member. I've been praying for an easy delivery and easy transition for the whole family. We are having a big brother party tomorrow at school to celebrate!

One of my students broke out in hives today....all over his stomach, back and face. He just wasn't feeling good and really didn't have a good day because of the way that he was feeling. He was itchy and hurting and that makes me feel extra sad for him.

My co teacher and I work long days and work hard at getting everything done with little planning time or time without our students. Well today, another teacher was being rather selfish and took advantage of a situation so she had plenty of planning time and we had an extra 5 kids in our class. She has also spent a large portion of the week complaining about the changes in schedule and how they stress her out and that the situations are unfair and frankly we are tired of it. It's sometimes hard to work with people who only think about themselves. It's even harder when you are teaching the same grade and her child is in your class and her child tends to cause trouble because he knows there are no real consequences. I've been the staff kid and I have had staff kids and they can either make or break a year. Right now we are approaching the breaking point of needing to speak with the boss about the lack of consideration that she shows to others. It's hard to be Christlike and loving when you want to slap her silly!

Sorry to rant, but I am tired and needing to get things out. Please pray that I will check my bad attitude at the door and treat the person who is treating me the way I don't want to be treated in a loving and Christlike way!

1 comment:

E and K said...

There was a person similar to that in my student teaching experience. She always mooched off the other teachers and then she decided she hated me for no reason. She'd tell lies about me to the other teachers. Luckily the other teachers knew how she was and knew how I was, and didn't believe what she said. But it was really hard to still be nice to her. I wasn't nice to her, and then I realized I had sunk to the level of the rest of the teachers, gossip, mocking her, ignoring her, and I realized I was not being apart from the world like Christ commands. So I tried being nice, but mostly I pretty much avoided her whenever I could. Which really does you no good... It's almost worse when the other person is a believer, and obviously living a selfish life, which is contrary to what Christ wants us to. Sorry that you're having to deal with this hun. Just keep praying for God to work in her heart and to keep your heart free from sinning!